Friday, January 31, 2020

Urban Education Movie Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Urban Education Movie Analysis - Essay Example As the report stresses the film shows discrimination of the Hispanic learners in a number of ways. The schools in Los Angeles degraded and portrayed inhuman treatment Hispanic learners by not allowing them to use bathroom facilities at lunch time, deprivation of standard academic services for non-white learners, lack of quality academic learning material absence of a bilingual program and a ban on speaking Spanish in school. The education systems treat the white students as they are from a superior race compared to the Hispanics. This kind of unequal treatment, when compared to white learners, made it unfair for the Hispanics to compete on level terms with their fellow students. From the essay it is clear that the students’ initiative to walk out is a brave and necessary move despite the risks involved. The social movement was inevitable as it raised the issue and triggered others to come out and express their dissatisfaction with â€Å"the system†. The students exhibit heroic traits by rising against the injustices. Failure to do so would have led to continuous non-recognition of their skills, ideas and talents. An ideal education system serves to promote academic excellence as well as contribute towards the realization of their talents. It also inspires students to express their ideas in a platform where there is equality. From the film, it is evident that the oppressed have the obligation to cause alarm so that their plight can be addressed.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Emotion and Intellect in the Works from Terezin Essays -- Holocaust Li

Emotion and Intellect in the Works from Terezin In the quote opening Art Speigelman’s Maus: A Survivor s Tale. I: My Father Bleeds History, Adolf Hitler expresses his urge to rob the Jewish people of their humanity: The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human (9D). Hitler’s quote begs for a response What makes one human? Many scholars and scient ist would argue that it is t he ability to think and reason t hat defines the human species. I would argue that it is a combination of the ability to reason with the ability to feel. In Elie Wiesel s Night, it is his passionate anger at his spirituality alongside his intellectual struggle with that spirituality that screams out his humanity: What are You, my God, I thought angrily, compared to this afflicted crowd proclaiming to You their faith [. . .] (63). In the range of Holocaust literature, there is a range of emotion mixed with intellect, and this combination creates a picture of human beauty. One can witness this range in Wiesel s anger and disillusionment (62, 63) and in Speigelman s father s love and frugality (157). It is the ability to think about and feel something towards one s situation that makes one human. In the painting Sailboat (56-57) and the poem Birdsong (80-81) fro m the collection I Never Saw Another Butt erfly: Children s Drawings and Poems from Terezin Concentration Camp, 1942-1944, one can see how a range o f emotions combined with reason creat e an undeniable portrait of humanity. In Sailboat an anonymous child artist expresses both emotion and intellect through color choice and subject matter (56-57). The artist portrays night as a black abyss followed by a teal-gray sky dotted w... ...r Saw Another Butt erfly: Children s Drawings and Po ems from Terezin Concentration Camp, 1942-1944. Ed. Hana Volavkova. 2nd ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1978. 56-57. Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivor s Tale, I. My Father Bleeds History. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986. Stargar, Nicholas. Children s Art of the Holocaust. Past & Present. Nov. 1998. Electronic. Expanded Academic Index ASAP. 10 February 2001. Weil, Jiri. Epilogue. I Never Saw Anot her Butterfly: Children s Drawings and Poems from Terezin Concentration Camp, 1942-1944. Ed. Hana Volavkova. 2nd ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1978. 101-104. Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Weissova, Helga. Lights Out. I Never Saw Another Butt erfly: Children s Drawings and Poems from Terezin Concentration Camp, 1942-1944. Ed. Hana Volavkova. 2nd ed. New York: Schocken Books, 1978. 22, 24.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Standards of Professionals

While reflecting on the moral questions posed by the statement ‘when a reporter makes a mistake in a magazine article, you can run a correction; but when a health care worker makes a mistake, someone can die’, it is relevant to delve into the idea that some professionals should be held to a higher standard than others. This is not a correct ideology in assuming that morality is more important at any one time or place or by one person over another.Just as the previous reflection on morality revealed the importance of individual sovereignty, the application of this should be noted in that this is the only universal ethic that can and should be placed on all individuals. The strength of this position of moral sovereignty is that each person has a humanistic right and responsibility to follow their ethical reasoning without outside interference. A health care worker is morally responsible for caring for patients in a competent way, but a reporter is just as much affected, if not more so, by individual decision making.Reporters may feel threatened by superiors to report inaccurate news and in doing so this could have intense ramifications for dispensing disinformation. This can lead to character assassination for a political candidate, as one example. The disadvantages of looking at this model, is that as stated previously, the responsibility of a reporter can be held to a higher degree of standards, due to the fact that health care workers are not coerced into saving lives, they simply must. In contrast, reporters must weigh in their journalistic pieces on outside influence, such as their superiors and their audience.Individual sovereignty is still a standard that can be used universally, as the true illustration of a moral and rational actor is the ethical actions taken without influence or coercion in any profession. This means thinking and acting individually with only the altruistic motives of those around this actor in mind. As well, individuals i n all professions can reap the benefits of their right to sovereignty and successful actions while the price to pay, individually, is the effects of their errors. References Joseph Joel., (2003) Business Ethics: An Introduction. New York, Blackwell Publishers.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

JavaFX Controls ChoiceBox Overview

TheChoiceBoxclass is used to create a control which presents the user with a few choices to pick from a drop-down list. The user is only allowed to pick one of the options. When the drop-down list is not showing then the currently selected option is the only one visible. It is possible to set the ChoiceBox object to accept a null option as a valid choice. Import Statement import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox; Constructors TheChoiceBox class has two constructors one for an empty list of items and one with a given set of items: //Create an empty ChoiceBoxChoiceBox choices new ChoiceBox();//Create a ChoiceBox using an observable list collectionChoiceBox cboices new ChoiceBox(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Apple, Banana, Orange, Peach, Pear, Strawberry)); Useful Methods If you choose to create an emptyChoiceBox items can be added later using the setItems method: choices.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Apple, Banana, Orange, Peach, Pear, Strawberry)); And, if you want to find out what items are in aChoiceBox you can use the getItems method: List options choices.getItems(); To pick an option to be currently selected use thesetValue method and provide it with one of the options: choices.setValue(First); To get the value of the option currently selected use the correspondinggetValue method and assign it to a String: String option choices.getValue().toString(); Event Handling In order to listen to events for aChoiceBox object, the SelectionModel is used. The ChoiceBox uses the SingleSelectionModel class which only permits one option to be chosen at a time. The selectedIndexProperty method allows us to add a ChangeListener. This means that whenever the option selected changes to another option the change event will occur. As you can see from the code below, a change is listened for and when it occurs the previously selected option and the newly selected option can be determined: final List options choices.getItems();choices.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { Override public void changed(ObservableValue ov, Number oldSelected, Number newSelected) { System.out.println(Old Selected Option: options.get(oldSelected.intValue())); System.out.println(New Selected Option: options.get(newSelected.intValue())); } }); Its also possible to show or hide the list of options without the user having to click on theChoiceBox object by using the show and hide methods. In the code below a Button object is used to call the show method of a ChoiceBox object when the Button is clicked: //Use a stackpane for a simple layout of the controlsStackPane root new StackPane();//Create Button to show the options in the ChoiceBoxButton showOptionButton new Button(Show Options);root.getChildren().add(showOptionButton);root.setAlignment(showOptionButton, Pos.TOP_CENTER);//Create the ChoiceBox with a few optionsfinal ChoiceBox choices new ChoiceBox(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Apple, Banana, Orange, Peach, Pear, Strawberry));root.getChildren().add(choices);//Use the ActionEvent to call the ChoiceBox show methodshowOptionButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler() { Override public void handle(ActionEvent e) {; }});//Set the Scene and put the Stage into motion..Scene scene new Scene(root, 300, 250);primaryStage.setScene(scene);; To find out about other JavaFX controls, have a look at JavaFX User Interface Controls.